Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Balance Your Life, Balance The Scale Book Review

It isn't often that a book comes along that can truly help you live a happier and healthier life. The majority of diet books on the shelves focus on being on a diet, what to eat, and then leave you alone to try to figure out what went wrong when you fail to lose the weight. Like most women, you will blame yourself for not staying on the diet, no matter how difficult or restrictive it might have been.

I recently came across a wonderful book called Balance Your Life, Balance The Scale, by Jennifer Tuma Young. Though Jennifer's book is about shedding weight, it goes far beyond any diet book I have ever read. Jennifer teaches us that first comes self-love and understanding, and then the weight comes off. It isn't so much about how we view the food we eat. but the way we view ourselves.

                          Here are some great key points to consider from the book:

* Rekindle your true food-life connection

* Release the stuff in your mind that weighs you down

* Increase your energy with three critical fuel sources (two of which have nothing to do with food)

* Make choices that align with your best self

* Set and reach goals by removing the frustrating question of how to make it happen

* Plug into your life so that you are happy, healthy, and-most important-not wasting precious time worrying about your weigh

This book has come along at exactly the right time for me. A year ago I lost 30 pounds, which of course was fantastic and I love shopping for smaller sized jeans. But recently a few pounds have come back and I was blaming myself for my lack of control when it came to eating. I have begun using many of Jennifer's ideas to help myself feel in control of my life, how I feel about food, and understanding that trying to use food for emotional comfort just doesn't work. 

One of the most helpful ideas I have incorporated into my life is meditation. Don't think that meditation has to be difficult or done for a long period of time to be beneficial  Besides having health benefits such as lower blood pressure, reduced stress hormones and more, we are show how just a few minutes a day can improve your life. 

Balance Your Life, Balance the Scale can truly show you the way to change your weight and your life. I highly recommend this book to anyone that has ever had an issue with losing weigh, and I think that includes most of us. Balancing your weight doesn't begin on the scale or on your plate. It begins in your mind and heart. 

If you'd like to find out more about Jennifer and her book I urge you to go to her website. As mothers, daughters and working women inside and out of the home, we owe it to ourselves to find the time and balance to nurture and explore our inner selves. Balance Your Life, Balance the Scale is the perfect first step to doing just that. 

* I was provided a copy of this book for review and all opinions are my own. 

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